ashley bonn
Ceremony Facilitator
Ashley Bonn is a visionary leader, community builder, and creative entrepreneur with a purpose to support connection and shift culture. She has a background in sustainability leadership, nonprofit management, and business marketing with over a decade of experience in event production. Her passion lies at the intersection of permaculture, music, art, and community, where she works to builds bridges of reciprocity. Ashley is the founder of the nonprofit Conscious Growth and co-producer of the Conscious Growth Convergence. During this year’s event, she will be facilitating the opening and closing ceremonies, supporting the performers and workshop facilitators, and behind the scenes weaving together all the threads of the convergence.

sonya robin
Ceremony Facilitator
With rich experience in mission driven for-profit structures, nonprofits and worker owned co-ops, Sonya brings a savvy heart-centered approach to business development, operations, and people & culture. As an artist themselves, they know well the complexities of navigating artistry and capitalism. Sonya offers their business expertise delightfully in-service to creating sanctuary for artists in the music industry.

Reishi Strauss
mycelial mutualism & Mushroom Magic
Reishi Strauss is an herbalist, mycologist, microdose coach, and medicine maker born and raised in the Appalachian Mountains of southwestern Virginia. Reishi is a graduate from Bastyr University where she received her Bachelor's of Science in Herbal Science, and has studied clinical herbalism and ecological stewardship at the Columbine's School of Botanical Studies. She owns and operates her medicinal mushroom medicine business - Earth & Spirit Botanicals, intended to heal the planet and her people with sustainably wildcrafted and regeneratively cultivated herbal and fungal medicines.

Aimee Ringle
songleading & Spaceholding 101
Aimée Ringle is a multi instrumentalist singer, songwriter, songleader, storyteller and community enthusiator. She writes, plays, and sings with moments of sacred communion in mind and does all that she can as a musician and as a leader to make such moments more likely. Aimée will be an “Artist at Large” at the Convergence, sitting in and supporting multiple performers and facilitators. She will also be teaching a workshop titled “Songleading and Spaceholding 101” on Friday!

Karly Loveling
heart & Harmony Song Circle
Karly Loveling is whole-hearted lover of life who weaves song into being and brings harmonies to life. She is a thriving member of the Ubuntu Choir Network, leading Singing Heart Harmonies in Chanchifin (Eugene, Or), online, and at Community Singing gatherings, as well as feeling and tending the spectrum of human emotion with courage and care in community connections, classes, and events. Karly’s accessible, layered, meaningful songs are close companions for singers and songleaders from Appalachia to Ireland. Heart & Harmony Song Circle: Come as you are and we’ll meet the moment in song, bringing hope and inspiration to this messy, but beautiful human experience.

setesh free
Ceremony Facilitator
Setesh is deeply woven in the transformational music community after spending close to a decade living in ecovillages curating immersive events ranging from music festivals, permaculture convergences and healing retreats. After spending 6+ years as a resident, event director and board member of Lost Valley Education Center Setesh co-founded Reciprocity Music, an international, intention for impact booking agency, tour & event production collective. Setesh has developed extensive experience as a booking agent, serving as a lead visionary for Poranguí, Mose, Deya Dova's North American recent tour runs while producing immersive events across the country as "Reciprocity Music presents.". He has supported successful fundraising platforms through dynamic campaigns helping to support water protection, indigenous land restoration and music education. He aspires for Reciprocity Music to be a beacon in utilizing music as a vessel for transformation.

fernanda samambaia
grief ritual Facilitator
There is an immense amount of alive and compounded grief at this time on our planet. Fernanda believes the only way forward to a new weaving, is through metabolizing the sorrows that dwell within us. Grieving in community and being witnessed, is one of the only ways to heal not only our grief, but the grief of our ancestors. We will create a ritual, and invite everyone to honor the sacred portal of transformation that is grief. At the Convergence, Fernanda will be facilitating a 5-hour grief ritual informed by many traditions and teachers, including Joanna Macy, Sobonfu and Malidoma Somé, Francis Weller, Martin Prechtel, Stephen Jenkinson, Laurence Cole, Ahlay Blakely, and the well of compounded grief of our times.

Tuck Yates Tyrrell
The story of Gaia: An ecopoetic Journey
Tuck is a restoration ecologist and practitioner, humbly working to cultivate resilient forests, meadows, and rivers. Listening, planting, and tending. His approach is holistic and Gaian— applying animism and an earthen perspective to his work and daily life. The Story of Gaia: An Ecopoetic Journey: This talk begins with a story of how our Earth came to life, and ends with a call to action to radically participate in the ever-unfolding creativity of our living planet. Through a poetic science perspective, we will observe the relationships of seashells and mountains (the long term carbon cycle), how forests call the rain (the biotic pump), the organic technology of bacteria (horizontal gene transfer), the natural tendencies of cooperation and complexity, and other stories of the interwoven mesh and biogeochemical feedback loops that comprise our living planet, Gaia. The rocks, wind, trees, rain, fungi, seas, animals, and microbes are all-together dancing to the music that their movements make. Collaboration, symbiosis, presence, and interaction actively form the world we call home. This talk is influenced and informed by Gaia Theory, holism, animism, phenomenology, sacred ecology, and far ranging experiences of earthen communion.

Alexa Lux
Mending the Tapestry: Systems Sensing for Enigmatic Times
Alexa Lux (she/her) is a queer animist artist & social entrepreneur descended from peoples of the waters of western Europe. She tends to the generative intersections of digital design, music, & community organization in the occupied territories of the Clackamas & Cascades peoples outside Portland, OR. Guided by principles grounded in post activism, systems sensing, & relational ecology, she utilizes a wide array of artistic & professional skills in service of creative initiatives that cultivate resilient communities and tend to the cracks of our times. Mending the Tapestry: Systems Sensing for Enigmatic Times: "What is there for me to know now about building bridges of reciprocity between all peoples and the Earth, for the highest good of all?" In this workshop, we will engage with this inquiry as the calling question for our systems sensing practice. Systems sensing derives from Family or Systemic Constellations, and is predicated upon a systems-based worldview informed by the indigenous mysticism of the Zulu people of Nguni. Part animist listening and part channeling practice, it gives us a window into the unseen, revealing subtle patterns and dynamics through our bodies and voices that can provide insight into our most complex, pressing questions. The journey will be informed by the group that comes together and will gift each participant with their own nuggets of wisdom - to share, or to keep.

Simon Yugler
Psychedelic Integration from a Mythic Lens
With a masters in depth psychology, Simon Yugler is an internationally experienced psychedelic therapist, educator, and the author of the book, Psychedelics & the Soul: A Mythic Guide to Psychedelic Healing, Depth Psychology, and Cultural Repair. He has taught for five psychedelic facilitator training programs including Naropa University and Inner Trek. Simon draws on his diverse experience learning from Indigenous cultures, including the Shipibo ayahuasca tradition and the Native American Church. For a year-and-a-half he routinely served as a retreat leader with MycoMeditations, a leading psilocybin therapy retreat center in Jamaica. Prior to becoming a therapist, he served as an experiential educator and guide, leading immersive study-abroad journeys for young adults across 10 countries. Based on the land now called Portland, Oregon, Simon is passionate about helping his clients navigate the liminal wilds of the soul. Psychedelic Integration from a Mythic Lens: What do myths, dreams and psychedelic experiences all have in common? This workshop will explore the common mythopoetic thread that weaves its way through visionary experiences and mythology, guided by Jungian depth psychology, mythology, and ancestral wisdom traditions. We will explore the archetypal aspects of psychedelic experiences, learn the "mythopoetic integration" method, and deepen our understanding of integration as a process of individual and collective healing.

Erika Merz
Energy dance ceremony
Erika Merz, (she/her), guides people in reclaiming dance as a powerful, spiritual practice. Grounded in 25+ years of dedicated martial arts and ecstatic dance practice, she facilitates Energy Dance Ceremonies using free-form dance, energy work, guided meditation, and visualization to guide people in experiences of deep healing, activation of their spiritual power, and a re-alignment with their soul’s purpose. These offerings often catalyze lasting, transformation in peoples’ lives. Rooted in the vision of a liberatory world, Erika’s work, Rise Up with H’ART, is infused with a racial justice and decolonial lens, and a deep knowing that tapping into divine wisdom is a crucial asset in working towards radical culture change. Energy Dance Ceremony: Wield Source Energy for Healing & Radical Culture Change Calling all conscious changemakers! Ready to release your inner critic, find clarity in who you are, and embody your warrior spirit through dance? Throughout time, humans have combined movement, rhythm, sound, energy-work, visualization and prayer to access expanded states of consciousness for personal and collective transformation. This spiritual power is innate within you but has been suppressed by centuries of strategic, colonial oppression and needs to be further activated. How would your life transform if you had more access to your spiritual power? Do you see the crises of the world and yearn to wield a ‘magical wand’ for change? This spiritually empowering Energy Dance Ceremony will help you reclaim the innate, powerful tools within to channel infinite Source energy using a potent combination of modalities. Energy Dance often guides people DEEP and catalyzes huge shifts in their lives and their relationship with divine energy. Join me in this uplifting and spiritually activating ceremony to reclaim the wisdom we need to wield Source energy for healing and collective liberation!

Patrick Merle Sellin
breathwave ceremony
Patrick Merle Sellin, M.A. is a heart-centered healing artist specializing in psychosomatic therapy and spiritual guidance. Patrick is a certified facilitator and Senior Trainer in the Breathwave Conscious Breathing community, offering private retreats, breathwork trainings and psychedelic integration consultation worldwide. Breathwave Ceremony: Breathwave is a powerfully gentle approach to conscious connected breathing. Conscious connection to our breathing is a simple, direct path to embodied and collective coherence, orienting us to personal perceptions of wholeness and interconnectedness. Gathering in circle, sharing intentions, laying back: we allow the respiratory intelligence to open naturally without pausing, controlling or forcing the breath. Participants learn to relax into a potent-yet-peaceful (parasympathetic) rhythm of respiration, optimal for the expression and integration of unexpressed energy in the body-mind. Breathwave facilitators are present to help identify and correct any imbalances or resistance to an optimal breath rhythm, making easy the removal of barriers that keep us from sustained coherence with Breath/Spirit.

Jenny Lee
The Bravery to belong
Jenny is a gifted facilitator, mentor, musician, and healing artist, as well as the visionary founder of the Temple of Belonging Women's Gathering. She is deeply passionate about fostering joyful and authentic expression as a pathway to wholeness. With extensive experience in massage therapy, breathwork, addiction recovery, and initiatory earth-based spirituality, Jenny is a devoted student of life's living metaphors. She champions humble leadership and the power of courageous community-building, understanding firsthand the profound healing that unfolds when we embrace our true selves with integrity and openness. The Bravery To Belong: In this experiential workshop, we will dive into the many facets and feelings of belonging and practice new ways to build bridges and create inclusive narratives. Through a blend of group discussions, educational lectures, breakout sessions, and somatic exercises, you will learn how to move beyond "othering" and foster genuine safety, decondition ingrained relational and community values, and reclaim a sense of belonging for all. This workshop will teach you somatic practices to invoke embodied and sovereign belonging, explore the power of curiosity to counter systemic exclusion, and inspire new stories of interbeing in your work, relationships, and communities. By the end, you'll have the tools to create more inclusive spaces and promote healing on both personal and collective levels.

Morgan Vanderpool
Body-Based Rhythms of Co-Liberation
Morgan Vanderpool, LICSW, is a queer, non-binary, neurospicy, ecologically and intersectionality grounded: collective neuropractor, neuro-sensitive movement specialist, restorative practice facilitator, choreographer and community builder- with 15+ years experience as a global complex trauma specialist. They're dedicated to facilitating inclusive, accessible, mycelial-grounded and somatically abolitionist, restorative embodiment practices- that strengthen our collective capacity to healthfully move with every neurospicy layer of our badass survivor selves. So we may co-build thriving nervous and eco-systems-ONE BREATH AT A TIME. Body-Based Rhythms of Co-Liberation: In this workshop I facilitate a neuro-inclusive learning experience centered around re-enlivening our embodied capacity for co-liberation- through breath, movement, playful exploration, song & getting real real about what our body is up to breath by breath as we are figuring out how to cultivate liberated relationships during high-stake times.

Drew Ryan
Mycelial healing
Drew Ryan is an avid mycologist who wears many different "caps". He is an educator, wildcrafter, and an ethically informed applied mycologist. With over 10 years of professional experience in the field of mycology, Drew is currently focusing their energy on launching a small business called Harmonic Hyphae, which focuses on medicinal mushrooms, herbal allies and the healing they bring into our lives. They are dedicated to bridging the gap and fostering harmony between humans and the natural world, all while listening intently to the power of nature. Drew is ultimately a lifelong student of nature, a musician, and all around creative who spends most of his time listening to fungi, their friends, and the magical world we cohabitate. Mycelial Healing: Reciprocity with Medicinal Mushrooms In this class we will take a deep dive into medicinal mushrooms of our local bioregion as well as a few famed others. We will go into depth about mechanisms in medicinal mushrooms and how they work in our bodies, how to best utilize their medicine, the ethics of wildcrafting medicine and what plant allies to look for, how to stay in reciprocity when working with these fungal allies, and more!

Lux GypSum
transforming OUR conflict culture
Lux Gypsum is a community organizer, relational healer, and cultural visionary who believes that revolution happens at the level of relationship. With over 9 years of facilitation experience and dozens of trainings under their belt, Lux has cultivated a strong capacity to hold potent group containers for interpersonal skill-building and cultural transformation. Some of Lux’s politicized identities are white (Northern European ancestry), AFAB, non-binary, and queer. Lux has an ongoing practice of anti-racism work and is committed to uprooting internalized supremacy culture. They are also receiving training in Somatic Experiencing, a well known body-based modality for resolving trauma. In addition to holding regular community workshops and events, Lux also serves the community as a Conflict Mediator, Relationship Coach, and Community Consultant, supporting individuals, couples, and groups to embody the world they long to live in. Transforming Our Conflict Culture: How we respond to conflict will make or break our communities and movements for social change. Conflict is a natural part of life, but culturally we are not taught how to approach conflict in a way that is life-giving. In this workshop, we will collectively cultivate a more regenerative conflict culture through guided group reflection, embodied exercises, nervous system literacy, and communication practices. Participants will leave with a deeper understanding of the human experience and the transformative potential held within conflict, and more tools in their toolkit for catalyzing conflict into clarity and connection.

Marisa Hope Benson
Paul Lynn
Free Your Voice
mycelial mutualism & Mushroom Magic
Marisa is a somatic facilitator, a song catcher, a sacred space tender, and an embodied leader who loves to bring the power of ritual & presence into the world. She is based in Eugene, OR where she is part of a musical trio called Portal, runs a podcast called The Undergrowth, and recently co-led a 3-month program called The Initiation, a wild call back to the cycles of the feminine. When she’s not facilitating you might likely find her, dancing in a garden, smelling flowers, laying under trees, or singing songs inspired by the wind. Free your Voice Do you let yourself make sound? Raw unfiltered sound? Join Free Your Voice a workshop centered around sound exploration and vocal liberation. Your body is a precious instrument, your voice the avenue of expression, what would it be like to let it be free? In this container we will explore exercises around breath, vibration, pleasure, and resonance as we notice the impact these practices have on our bodies. If you’re yearning to reconnect with your voice, if you’re hungry for unkept self expression, come play in the world of sound!
Paul Lynn (he/they) is an eco-centric eccentric, devoted to fungi and to supporting all the ways beings seen and unseen weave the rich tapestry of our world. When he's not busy cultivating Fungaia, his donation-based mushroom company, brewing fungal ferments or making DIY educational videos, he can be found singing in the sauna and studying alternatives to synthetic nitrogen fertilizer.

avery deane swift
alyx somas
Embodied Consent & Boundaries
Resourcing Our Ancestral Bodies for Liberation
Avery Deane Swift (they/them) is a champion of somatic embodiment, erotic liberation, and transformational wellness. They work with individuals, partners/polycules, groups, and organizations to Align, Integrate, and Expand into their full potential grounded in pleasure, ease, and joy. Avery Deane is a bit of a body nerd, and in addition to their embodiment and erotic education licenses, they are certified in a number of different energetic, healing, and somatic methodologies. Their greatest joy is witnessing people re-member their wholeness, and express it authentically.
Alyx Somas is a Native Northern American with roots from multiple Detribalized Peoples whose lineages have been living upon Tongva Lands for four generations. Their primary work is within movements of Collective Cultural Re-Indigenization, partnering alongside cultures of Belonging, Reciprocity, and Restorative Action. Their community organizing is in service with Indigenous Knowledge Systems, supported by their training in group facilitation and somatic healing. Resourcing Our Ancestral Bodies for Liberation This collaborative workshop anchors in honoring our lineage and shared roots, to explore the living practices of somatic abolitionism and regenerative social permaculture, as they nurture our collective liberation. We will learn together supported by the wildlife of our space, practicing the healing of simple attunement and witness, and integrating with somatic practices and community song. This is a gentle and encouraging experience in service of expanding our capacity to align our intentions with our impacts, to nourish our wholeness, and to live into our deepest human nature: Belonging.

Helena Virga
Sacred Flame: The Cultural & Ecological Role of Fire
Join Helena Virga, a non-Native Italian- Jewish settler, and fire advocate with FUSEE for a workshop exploring fire's role as an alchemical and spiritual process, a means of cultural sharing, and a tool for ecological growth and climate change mitigation. Through activities and discussions, we'll reflect on personal interactions with fire, explore fire creation stories, and understand the difference between cultural and prescribed burns and their impact on lands and communities. We'll delve into the ceremonial use of fire in various traditions, concluding with a collective burning activity. Discover how you can get involved in promoting and using "good fire", advocate for responsible fire management, and utilize more fire in your life for personal and spiritual healing.
Melissa Grace
somatic astrology circle
Melissa is a somatic astrologer, yoga teacher, and herbalist. She helps people address emotional patterns rooted in childhood trauma. She has been doing this work for four years, using somatic journeying and astrology as to create stable emotional patterns and responses. Her approach is rooted in relationship repair with earth's cycles, inner realms, and one another. Somatic Astrology Circle: Restoring Relationship with Earth and Cosmos: This workshop will be held in circle style, and delve into how Libra season and the fall is calling us to come into right relationship with ourselves and the earth. Experience being held and supported in relationship through connecting deeply with earth (with an kinning practice) and experience support in circle through the lens of somatics and astrology.

Katie Scott
Ryder Coen
twerk medicine
Intimacy with Animal Magic through Cræft
Katie is living proof of how dance is medicine, and how embodiment can be a pathway for healing and reclaiming our power & joy. Katie's strongest prayer is for all humans to embody shamelessness and overcome self-sabotage & people-pleasing. She specializes in supporting women & couples in reclaiming their body and sensuality. Katie is a trauma-enformed Embodiment Guide and Intuitive Healer, fusing 11 years of experience with Mindfulness, Meditative Embodiment, Ecstatic Dance, Contact Improv, Intuitive Energy healing, Tantra, Taoism, Chi Gong, Theta Healing, & Self-Sabotage reprogramming. Twerk Medicine: Twerk, shake & awaken! In a celebratory & liberated container, we can break through shame and use twerking, hip-opening, and Tao Tantric chi gong as sources of empowerment & reclaiming sovereignty. Katie weaves in psycho-somatic subconscious and self-sabotage re-programming during our dance journey to take our self-empowerment to the next level. May we come together to reclaim the power of our hips, pelvis, and booty-- and remember them as keys to our connection to the Earth as well.
My name is Ryder Day Coen. I am a descendent of ancestors that lived on the islands now called Ireland, Scotland and England as well as Northern Europe. Most of my ancestry has been on stolen land for more than 7 generations and so I see my place and story as deeply woven with the complex history of settler colonialism, genocide and slavery here. I am on a journey of ancestral reconnection and healing work, and am also deeply committed to the intergenerational work of becoming people of place, sacred land tending, and community resilience work. Ive been living in Oregon for the last 10 years focusing on land tending, community and craft. My main craft devotions are animal honoring, hide tanning, leather craft, bow making, archery, and traditional hunting. Intimacy with Animal Magic through Cræft: A talk and discussion based circle on working with animal magic through hands on craft. Moving through topics of ancestral animism and animal reverence, ancestral reconnection, animals as teachers, death tending, skin transformation/hide tanning, intentional craft and adornment.

shaelee evans
moana aluli myer
food forest medicine
finding Your magiccc within
Shaelee Evans was born on the east Olympic Peninsula, raised on Catalina Island and has made home back on the Salish Sea since 1999. Shae has degrees in Natural Resource Management and Applied Business; served for NW Permaculture Convergence from 2017-2023 and is midwifing Olympic Mountain Growers Cooperative. Now tending their farm for local food systems & medicinal herb stoke, Shaelee is most often in the garden or with burros on the trail. Food Forest Medicine: Intro class on how to plan, plant and maintain an ecologically grounded garden for food, medicine, income and restoration. Small scale to forest scope. Farmer Shae will share on food regulations, local cooperative development and lessons from Goodness Tea Farm. Themes are applied permaculture design, ecological horticulture, regenerative farming and social justice through business process.
Moana Aluli Meyer (known by many as MoMagiccc) is an Indigenous elder, community leader, and wellness guide from O’ahu, Hawaii. With a dedication to serve community, Moana has led the path of (w)holistic healing, giving special attention to natural supplements, movement, and meditation. You can find Moana in Portland, Oregon, where she spreads her energy of Aloha to all she encounters by way of her beautiful spirit. Finding Your Magiccc Within: In this workshop, Moana Meyer will help you gain a deeper sense of self-awareness through Indigenous Hawaiian philosophy. Using ancient practices such as meditation, breathwork, storytelling and song, Moana will guide you to find your magiccc within (Ho’o Pono).

david Feldman
Leaning in: A somatic awareness ritual
Brenton Harris
David has been studying various dance forms since early childhood. He has been practicing contact improv in the Eugene area for over 12 years. He is passionate about sharing the depths of human expression through somatic movement exploration. Leaning In: A Somatic Awareness Ritual: A movement exercise exploring the point of connection in Dance. How do we find one another and then share trust, balance, communication, burden, and navigation? How do we apply this shared responsibility to other ways we connect in life?
Breath Stewardship: Tending Ourselves and the Planet, One Breath at a Time
Brenton Harris is a spiritual guide, ritualist, and teacher who brings a unique fusion of science and esoteric practice as a facilitator in Eugene, and as faculty of yoga- and meditation-training programs in Texas. Rachelle Cornelius is the founder of Creative Spirit Collaborative (CSC) and the Foundation for Alternative Healing, serving as a steward of healing of wise relationships between humanity and nature, plants, and animals, as well as wise relationships with the many parts of ourselves. At CSC, they draw upon their common background in nature-based practices and esoteric wisdom traditions, in co-facilitated classes, workshops, and retreats. Breath Stewardship: Tending Ourselves and the Planet, One Breath at a Time: About 20,000 times a day we experience a biophysical energy exchange with our environment, and it largely flies beneath our radar. If our breathing is below our conscious awareness, how much more might we miss about the emotional and energetic exchange that occurs between ourselves and each other, the world at large, and the unseen forces of life and intention around us? In this ritual-centered breath-work-shop we’ll explore the ways our breathing is a metaphor for our relationship with the world around us. We’ll contemplate the true meaning of sustainability and invoke the healing presence of the elements themselves through the vehicles of breath, sound, and a special style of meditation called Tonglen.

Michelle Ouelette
Rainbow Light Body Activation Sound Healing
Rainbow Light Body Activation Sound Healing
I am a Master Shaman, I was raised in an indigenous Shaman/Healer Tribe in the Philippines. Within me, I carry the wisdom of the ancestors as I bring healing by filling the gap of our sacredness through practices, rituals and scientific approach in healing. I have at least 40+ years of healing people in different cultures, communities, temples and people in different races and countries all over the world. Lots of people address me as a soul doctor as I help people connect back to their soul to fully embody the physical aspect and spiritual aspect of their being. Working with me will transcend a lot of your beliefs and limitations in how people live. A transformational experience that will help you navigate with joy and ease in this world. Rainbow Light Body Activation Sound Healing: This offering is a collaboration between myself and Kwasha Aleha, in which the intention is awakening the dormant DNA strands for the purpose of transformational healing. We open the space with smudging and annointing participants, creating a field of morphic resonance, and practicing gentle breath and movement practices as a primer for receptivity to the energetic transmission. We then guide a meditative hypnosis, crystal bowl/drumming sound healing, and light language channeling for chakra activation. The result is a viscerally liberating energetic experience and enchanting multidimensional journey.
Michelle Ouellette was born and raised in a spiritual community in the Rocky Mountains of Montana. It was here that she first developed her intuitive healing abilities. With a Masters degree in Community Resilience, Michelle is pursuing her passion of bridging the gap between personal healing and the transformation of society in connection with the natural world. As a practitioner of Yoga, as well as three powerful energy healing modalities, Michelle holds a deep and expansive space to bring mind, body, and spirit into alignment and release stagnant energy by tapping into the Angelic Realms and the fractal communication of the Soul. Rainbow Light Body Activation Sound Healing: This offering is a collaboration between myself and Kwasha Aleha, in which the intention is awakening the dormant DNA strands for the purpose of transformational healing. We open the space with smudging and annointing participants, creating a field of morphic resonance, and practicing gentle breath and movement practices as a primer for receptivity to the energetic transmission. We then guide a meditative hypnosis, crystal bowl/drumming sound healing, and light language channeling for chakra activation. The result is a viscerally liberating energetic experience and enchanting multidimensional journey.

HECtor Pang
Melissa Rose Schaefer
The Enlightened Mastery Framework
Reciprocity in Relationship with Plant Kin
Hector Pang is a neurodiverse and gender-nondual human that moved to the PNW from Hong Kong at the age of 6. The change in language and culture caused a shock that lead to a lifetime of social anxiety, cPTSD, difficulties with writing, that added to the difficulties of his very ADHD mind. Despite a laundry list of undiagnosed disorders, Hector gradated from USC with BS in Civil Engineering and then promptly left the field to study everything around psychology and human development. After wandering through many careers and life journeys, Hector realized his calling to becoming a world class meta-life coach, and set about creating the ultimate life coaching training program, The Enlightened Mastery Framework. The Enlightened Mastery Framework After 15 years of work, Hector completed his first version of the “The Map,” a visual life coaching system that fits on one piece of paper and folds down to fit in your pocket. Hector believes strongly in self-empowerment and self-coaching and wants to give everyone the power to know where they are in life so they can self coach themselves through any difficulty. If you feel lost, overwhelmed, and despair, come and learn this very simple system. There is hope and simplicity to be found. There is a simple method to the madness that is life. A step-by-step process that cuts through the fog and finally lets you breathe. If life was a game, this would be the ultimate player’s guide that should have been given out to everyone at the very beginning. The key lies in mastering 3 categories: Health, Wealth, and Relationships. And you will learn that there are 6 basic dimensions to our reality, and they all work by different rules. At the end, (while supplies last), you will leave with a physical copy of the map you can fit in your pocket, and bring your phone if you want a digital copy. All for free.
Melissa Rose is a medicine woman and plant mystic who shares her passion for listening to the living world and her vision of harmony for our collective relationship with Gaia. She spent six years based in South America following the traditional path of ceremonial medicine and master plant 'dieta', offering a framework of traditional wisdom and practice to support her work in restoring relationship with the living spirits of our plant allies and medicines. With foundations in Sophianic shamanic medicine and vitalist herbalism, Melissa Rose creates unique plant-guided transformational healing containers, mentorships and plant attunements that court remembrance and reclamation of the authentic soul-self. She is also a musician and vocalist who shares plant frequency and medicine songs as tools of vibrational healing. She is based at the Awakened Earth Sanctuary outside Eugene, Oregon. Reciprocity in Relationship with Plant Kin Building reciprocity with our plant kin means first shifting from extractive or distracted paradigms of plant medicine to one of deeper spiritual relationship. We are invited to listen to the voices of the plant realm in order to understand how we may tend reciprocity with these beings, and the whole of the natural world, in spiritual and practical ways. The deeper relationships forged through reciprocity offer us an opportunity to receive the fullness of the healing, wisdom and magic that the plants have to offer. In this workshop we will discuss perceptual, ritual and lifestyle elements that create a container for active reciprocity with Gaia and the plant realm. We will be introduced to five Pillars of Gaian Reciprocity and have the opportunity to practice them with a medicine plant ally in experiential and meditative ways. This will include playing with our senses and hearts as gateways of perception to connect with the plants for deeper listening.

Arya Brown
healing trauma through play
sound bath experience
Plaedo is a storytelling hippie hop philosopher of play, a raccoon wizard, a dreamer, a schemer, and a weaver of webs. He can be spotted out in the world...Designing and developing homeless camps and services for the unhoused, cultivating permaculture community gardens, as well as organizing, teaching at, and performing at festivals across the Pacific Northwest aka Cascadia. Healing Trauma Through Play: In this informative, interactive and experiential workshop, we will cover how our nervous systems respond to trauma and explore pathways of play to reconnect, with spirit, nature, ourselves and each other. The intention of this workshop is to gift attendees with tools and talismans to help them on their healing journeys.
I strive to create an environment that fosters connection, healing, and personal development. My role involves facilitating gatherings where individuals can explore their creativity, share their experiences, and support one another on their journeys. Through my music, I aim to uplift and inspire, providing a soundtrack that enhances the collective experience. By blending sound with intention, I help cultivate a safe space where participants can truly express themselves and embrace their authentic selves. Together, we explore the transformative power of community and the arts.

Sara Zolbrod Fouché
Shekinah schell
A Dance of Reciprocity: Contact Improvisation
Exploring Our Mental Health Through Theater
Sara Zolbrod Fouché has a background in dance, dance education, theater, and arts event production including hosting, facilitating discussions and group-building and community-building, and emceeing, and is multilingual and multiracial, having partially grown up in Japan. She started dancing in Montreal and has taught contact improvisation up and down the West Coast, including at the Oregon Country Fair. She co-founded DanceSanity, which ran indoor-outdoor ecstatic dances during the COVID pandemic. She has been hosting regular contact improvisation events in Eugene for over 10 years, including being a part of the Eugene Contact Improvisation Collective. She co-produced the Breitenbush Contact Improvisation Jam for 15 years and co-authored training manuals for teaching dance to people with and without disabilities and has contributed often to Contact Quarterly. A Dance of Reciprocity: Contact Improvisation: In contact improvisation, physical contact with deep listening provides the focus for movement improvisation that can only arise out of reciprocity. Dancing can range from slow and meditative to acrobatic and vigorous. These guided exercises and explorations will include some of the following skills: increasing sensitivity to oneself and one's partners, falling or moving floorward, rolling, sharing weight and lifting/being lifted comfortably and safely, tuning into the speed of our reflexes, how to both avoid causing boundary violations and practice re-directing or rejecting dances, and responsiveness to our partners and surroundings.
Shekinah Alegra (She/Her & They/Them) is a Portland-based consultant who is deeply committed to nurturing thriving community leaders and organizations throughout the Pacific Northwest. With over a decade of nonprofit experience serving diverse communities, Shekinah is dedicated to elevating communities and organization's capacity to catalyze creativity, attune their responses, and develop regenerative cultures. Their expertise lies in orchestrating holistic strategies, integrating creative and somatic practices into our work, fostering our ability to learn and play together, sustainability and resource development, and leveraging the impact of nonprofits and small businesses with a social mission. Employing innovative methodologies, Shekinah facilitates transformative journeys through applied theater, creative group processes, and somatic practice to create innovation, collaboration, inclusion, and social change. Exploring Our Mental Health Through Theater: In this transformative workshop, participants engage in a dynamic exploration of mental health, neurodiversity and wellbeing using applied theater and somatics. Through a series of interactive exercises and improvisational techniques, including The Rainbow of Desire which allows participants delve into diverse experiences of mental health and wellness, focusing on uncovering and confronting internalized voices of oppression and ableism and highlighting the unique gifts and desires they have.

Khyla all is
eco sensorium playshop
willow crafting